Theme Demos

A theme demo in your theme is a pre-defined combination of configuration settings in the WordPress Customise section and a static homepage. You may easily activate a demo or switch between them without importing the demo content or affecting the existing content.

It’s a very convenient feature if you have existing posts and content and don’t want to import any dummy data, but you still would like your website to replicate a demo of our theme.

To activate a demo, simply navigate to Appearance → Theme Demos hover over the desired demo and click on Import next to a demo thumbnail.



These frequently asked questions will help you understand how theme demos work in your theme.

What happens when you activate a demo?

When you click the Import button the following will happen:

  1. All necessary plugins will be installed and activated for correct operation.
  2. Pre-defined theme settings will be applied, including typography, colors, header, footer settings, and others.
  3. A static page with pre-defined blocks will be created and assigned as the front page.

Will I lose my content if I activate a demo?

No, you will not lose any content (posts, pages, comments). However, customization settings will be reset, including typography, colors, header and footer settings, and others.

How to switch between demos?

Simply go to Appearance → Theme Demos hover over the desired demo and click on Import next to a thumbnail of the new demo.

This will apply demo styles, create a new static page with pre-defined blocks and set it as your front-page.