Share Buttons

Display share buttons in theme-predefined or standard locations. Select from various social networks and add per-button and the total share counts with just a few clicks.


Follow these steps to configure your share buttons:

  1. Navigate to Settings → Share Buttons.
  2. Select share button location from the tabs on top of the settings page. If there’re no theme pre-defined locations, only one location will appear: After Post Content.
  3. Enable the share buttons that you would like to display in the selected location.
  4. Configure their parameters: order, total share count, display counts, count location, layout and color scheme.
  5. Save and check your posts to make sure that share buttons appear correctly.


[[powerkit_share_buttons accounts="facebook, twitter, pinterest" total="true" icons="true" titles="false" labels="true" counts="true" count_location="inside" mode="smart" layout="default" scheme="default""]]

accounts (Required)

Specify a list of social accounts for the share buttons (facebook, fb-messenger, twitter, pinterest, googleplus, linkedin, stumbleupon, pocket, whatsapp, viber, vkontakte, telegram, line, reddit, mail).


Will display total share count if set to true. Default is false.


Will display icons if set to true. Default is true.


Will display titles if set to true, for example Facebbok. Default is true.


Will display labels if set to true, for example Share. Default is false.


Will display counts for every share button, if supported. Default is false.


Allows selecting from count location (inside, outside).  Default is inside.


Counter mode (php, cached, rest, mixed). Default is mixed.


Allows selecting from a theme-predefined or standard plugin-integrated layouts. Default is default.


Allows selecting from a theme-predefined or standard plugin-integrated color schemes. Default is default.

Share Pinterest Cover

If you want Pinterest to pull in a specific image as a post cover, add the class powerkit-pinterest-cover to your image.

Supported Share Buttons

The following social networks are supported: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Mail, Google Plus, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Pocket, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, VK, Telegram, Line, Reddit.